Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reading PLU codes of fruit and vegetables to find gmos

  Next time you your shopping and buy some fruit, make sure to check the PLU code for it can tell you a great deal of information to help be a healthier being. Iv done allot of reading on this because I personally believe gmos and unnecessary pesticides are a bad thing and are detrimental to the vessels health. For those who also believe this or are interested in it then those little code stickers on fruit you buy are called PLU codes. They can inform you if its organic, Genetically Modified, or even conveniently grown which is fancy for what they call the standard form of growing which can involve pesticides, forms of herbicieds, fungicieds, hormones, and more.
   I was on the International federation For Produce (IFPS) and in its 20 or so page document on PLU codes it has allot of the information you will need to start reading these labels correctly. Acordding to what I have read in that and other sources, codes starting in 3 or 4 can indicate it was grown conveniently, 8 indicates its a Genetically Modified Organism, and 9 indicates its was grown organically. So for those interested keep an eye out for eating  healthy is one of many parts to a healthier being. Avoid codes on fruit and veggies starting with 8 and even 3 and 4 if you can, if not, take the peal of what ever it is and throw it away and wash the fruit or veggie thoroughly before eating.
Lets keep this temple healthy.

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