Wednesday, January 28, 2015


For those with inflammation issues there are many remedies to help address the problem. Anti inflammation properties have been found in many substances such as ginger, celery, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, blueberries, or anything containing omega-3 fatty acids and a lot more. So for those with arthritis, carpel tunnel, tendentious, or anything else that causes painful inflammation you can find and create many different remedies to help you step by step through the day. Spices like turmeric are convenient because they can easily be added to a drink or meal easily, as well as cinnamon and ginger. So next time planning a meal fuse a few anti inflammatory items together in your meal to help keep up on your healthy being.
  It's important to keep up with inflamation but also it is important to not over do it depending on the case. Inflamation is one of the ways our vessel starts to heal and to eliminate the problem, but Iv also read that depending on the case and the severity of the inflamation it can be linked to diseases and even cancer. Inflammation can cause problems if it's let out of hand but if properly looked after it can be a big part of a healthy being, we just got to level it out perfectly so we can still get the natural bennefits of it with out the negative effects.
Let's keep those vessels healthy

Sources and more information.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Organic all the way

Now I'm not going to go on a rant, because it's simple. Organic is the healthier choice when it comes down to that or generically modified foods. I could go on and on about how I feel GMOs are poision and are just an excuse for power and wealth but I'd rather not push my beliefs like that. So instead I'm just going to tag websites and videos on the subject so you all can be informed. Then you can make your own decision on how you feel about corporations such as Monsanto and there cancerous food without me pushing my beliefs on organic being the humanly smarter decision.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Giving your vessel a proper rest.

Now I personally am not one who takes a nap or enjoys them but its a fact that our body's could use a rest during the day, specially if you have problems sleeping at night. The amount of time your nap takes makes a huge difference in how it effects your mind and body. Longer naps have been shown to have more improvement on memory performance aswell as emotional, where as a shorter nap is more for a quick energy fix. Naps that are longer are excellent for the mind but can leave your vessel feeling bogged down for a period of time so when taking a nap choose how long it is by what you have to do after.
We are all different and can be effected differently by giving our beings a nap, me for example I don't like naps but some thrive off naps to make it through the day, so do what's best for you.
Lets keeps our vessel healthy.

Sources And other information

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A little chia seed can be a big help

Chia seeds can easily be added to most drinks and meals for those of you lacking protein in your diet without Completely changing the the way you eat. They also contain a very large amount of omega-3 fats for there size, which I read can help your body fight to prevent cancer, memory loss, and heart disease.They also contain important antioxidants, as well as calcium, fiber and more creating a good addition to any meal for those looking for a healthier being.
These seeds have also been linked to helping against aging skin due to there powerful antioxidents, bone strengthening from the calcium, and even more bennefits do to the range of minerals and other beneficial substances within a chia seed. Just the same as most things though, they're side effects, such as gas or stomach pain when consuming high amounts. Iv also read it may act weird with some forms of medication, for example blood thinners or other medication where thinning blood is a side effect or problem.
Keep that Vessel healthy.

Sources and other information.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Food before bed?

    Now most of us love to eat before bed but I bet most of us have no clue to even know how much harm it can be, or how to make it a healthy and regular choice.
 Now when the time you go to bed approaches try avoiding high fat and protein foods due to the energy the protein can give you, plus I read to much fat before bed can cause heartburn. Resulting in restless sleep full of heartburn and a tired body the next day, try to avoid sugar as best as you can as well. If you can try to eat some bananas or other things that contains Tryptophan, which I read can be found in high carbohydrate based foods. This supposedly been known to help the body absorb serotonin, helping some get a good nights rest which is what we are looking for in a healthy vessel. I personally am a culprit of munching before I go to bed and I rarely get a good nights rest but not because I can't sleep but because I find my dreams to be exhausting.. I am though going to change up my habit and see if it helps at all.
Lets maintain our vessels


Friday, January 9, 2015

A Quenching morning

Instead of having coffee every morning try freshly squeezed lemons in a glass of water, this drink supposedly has many healthy benefits for keeping a healthy vessel. Iv read that this everymorning can contribute in helping your body absorb vitamins and minerals and even help your body's digestion which is essential in a healthy being. The combination of the Hydration the water gives you and the fresh lemon juice containing beneficial nutrients and vitimans such as, vitimans B which is good for energy and replenishing red blood cells, as well as most fruit it contains vitiman which is a mass importance to any vessels immune system as we all know. That plus another handful of vitamins and powerful properties, no wonder this drink has the capability to be a very powerful addition to help become a healthier being. Iv also read this drink could be excellent for a cold as well, or other chest related problems because it has the potential to fight lung infection, and supposedly  even more beneficial properties then this. I am still learning about morning drinks and the benefits of them, even this simple mixture from what Iv read can do even more then I described but like most things, studies still need to be done to ensure its potential. Some say its better for it to be warm to help protect your teeth from the lemon and because it hydrates us quicker that way. After I try it out for a month or so ill comment on this and tell you what I personally think.
Lets keep those vessels healthy.

Sources and other information

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Soul got a cold?

     Lets all agree being sick is stressful and can leave us feeling drained, this one is for those of you who hate being sick but love a nice long warm bath. I have yet to try it my self so I cant fully speculate, but I am very interested whether it works or not so if any of you have tried or will try this let me know.
Ok, so iv been reading up on Detox baths and have found many promising things, some have said within the next day they felt as if there cold had subsided greatly since the bath the day before. There are many different version and methods, supposedly after soaking in the bath for a little while your body will start to push out toxins and start absorbing minerals. The one I want to try requires 1 cup epsom salt, 1/2 cup baking soda, 4 T ground sugar, and a essential oil of your choosing. Once the water is hot enough and you add those in your suppose to soak for around 40 minutes, then when you are done you want to shower after a 30 minute rest. Now iv read this one will make you sweat a lot even after the bath and also help draw out toxins we pick up from processed food and help cleanse your thyroid, liver, and kidneys helping us become healthier beings quicker. If anyone has had any luck in this I would love to hear about it.
Keep that vessel healthy.

Sources and other information.

Eggs for the Soul

If any of you are like me and absolutely love eggs in the morning, or even in general. I have some tips Iv learned that is beneficial to know for a healthier being. First, you should avoid frying eggs in anyway from scrambled to suny side up, because when you fry an egg it's exposed to a lot more air and direct heat then you want. By exposing it to the air and heat like that you can easily oxidize the fat and cholesterol which is detrimental to a Healthy being. Study's have shown oxidized cholesterol and fat Have been linked to diabetes and Heart disease by confusing your body to think its bacteria and also entering your blood stream, ending with a lot of inflammation, which a lot of people confuse for all Cholesterol. When in fact cholesterol has been shown to be very important to our systems building blocks and to help become a healthier vessel. So next time you go to have eggs try boiling them or poaching them, because when it's poached or boiled it's not introduced to all that air and direct heat ruining everything good in the egg you need. Doing this you can save the cholesterol from oxidizing and making it extremely lower in  fat and calories, as well helping stimulate different function of your brain. Eggs prepared correctly have also shown to contain antioxidants that help protect your eyes and memory, so try avoiding fried eggs, but if you can't resist then try lowering the temperature a little as well as using real butter and try avoiding the spread easy or most oil when frying an egg. Keep up that healthy vessel.

Sources and information..