Friday, February 13, 2015


    Now I personally am a true believer in the benefits meditation can hold for our being, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and even more, if done reguraly and properly. Meditation has been found to,
help lower stress which is linked to heart disease and stroke,
it lowers blood pressure.
Fights against depression.
Helps in focusing allowing better memory as well as eye hand coordination.
Helps strengthen the brain in many ways.
Iv read it can help improve sex life.
Boosts immune system.
Helps fight and prevent asthma.
Fights epilepsy.
The list goes on and on due to the larger hippocampal and the volumes of gray matter meditation brings helping Things that are linked to even more problems that effects a beings health.
    Iv done some meditation myself  and allot of reading, and what I tend to find in both personal experience as well as in my research is that time can be a huge factor.  It seems to always be hard to find time specially when the best time for meditation is in the morning before your day truly starts getting you ready for what ever the day has in store. For most that's precious time for getting ready for work, or maybe they have children, or there are many other factors.
    I found this amazing free meditation program that has been made into an app for phones or ipads, its for those who do not have time in the morning for meditation. It'd called Headspace and starts you out with a very easy 10 step program starting at 10 minutes which is perfect for those short on time. It also has a super relaxing voice narrating and helping you along if you are new to meditation, and after there are even other programs the app offers but I done believe they  are free like the 10 step program.
Sources and information.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reading PLU codes of fruit and vegetables to find gmos

  Next time you your shopping and buy some fruit, make sure to check the PLU code for it can tell you a great deal of information to help be a healthier being. Iv done allot of reading on this because I personally believe gmos and unnecessary pesticides are a bad thing and are detrimental to the vessels health. For those who also believe this or are interested in it then those little code stickers on fruit you buy are called PLU codes. They can inform you if its organic, Genetically Modified, or even conveniently grown which is fancy for what they call the standard form of growing which can involve pesticides, forms of herbicieds, fungicieds, hormones, and more.
   I was on the International federation For Produce (IFPS) and in its 20 or so page document on PLU codes it has allot of the information you will need to start reading these labels correctly. Acordding to what I have read in that and other sources, codes starting in 3 or 4 can indicate it was grown conveniently, 8 indicates its a Genetically Modified Organism, and 9 indicates its was grown organically. So for those interested keep an eye out for eating  healthy is one of many parts to a healthier being. Avoid codes on fruit and veggies starting with 8 and even 3 and 4 if you can, if not, take the peal of what ever it is and throw it away and wash the fruit or veggie thoroughly before eating.
Lets keep this temple healthy.