Wednesday, January 28, 2015


For those with inflammation issues there are many remedies to help address the problem. Anti inflammation properties have been found in many substances such as ginger, celery, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, blueberries, or anything containing omega-3 fatty acids and a lot more. So for those with arthritis, carpel tunnel, tendentious, or anything else that causes painful inflammation you can find and create many different remedies to help you step by step through the day. Spices like turmeric are convenient because they can easily be added to a drink or meal easily, as well as cinnamon and ginger. So next time planning a meal fuse a few anti inflammatory items together in your meal to help keep up on your healthy being.
  It's important to keep up with inflamation but also it is important to not over do it depending on the case. Inflamation is one of the ways our vessel starts to heal and to eliminate the problem, but Iv also read that depending on the case and the severity of the inflamation it can be linked to diseases and even cancer. Inflammation can cause problems if it's let out of hand but if properly looked after it can be a big part of a healthy being, we just got to level it out perfectly so we can still get the natural bennefits of it with out the negative effects.
Let's keep those vessels healthy

Sources and more information.