Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A little chia seed can be a big help

Chia seeds can easily be added to most drinks and meals for those of you lacking protein in your diet without Completely changing the the way you eat. They also contain a very large amount of omega-3 fats for there size, which I read can help your body fight to prevent cancer, memory loss, and heart disease.They also contain important antioxidants, as well as calcium, fiber and more creating a good addition to any meal for those looking for a healthier being.
These seeds have also been linked to helping against aging skin due to there powerful antioxidents, bone strengthening from the calcium, and even more bennefits do to the range of minerals and other beneficial substances within a chia seed. Just the same as most things though, they're side effects, such as gas or stomach pain when consuming high amounts. Iv also read it may act weird with some forms of medication, for example blood thinners or other medication where thinning blood is a side effect or problem.
Keep that Vessel healthy.

Sources and other information.