Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Eggs for the Soul

If any of you are like me and absolutely love eggs in the morning, or even in general. I have some tips Iv learned that is beneficial to know for a healthier being. First, you should avoid frying eggs in anyway from scrambled to suny side up, because when you fry an egg it's exposed to a lot more air and direct heat then you want. By exposing it to the air and heat like that you can easily oxidize the fat and cholesterol which is detrimental to a Healthy being. Study's have shown oxidized cholesterol and fat Have been linked to diabetes and Heart disease by confusing your body to think its bacteria and also entering your blood stream, ending with a lot of inflammation, which a lot of people confuse for all Cholesterol. When in fact cholesterol has been shown to be very important to our systems building blocks and to help become a healthier vessel. So next time you go to have eggs try boiling them or poaching them, because when it's poached or boiled it's not introduced to all that air and direct heat ruining everything good in the egg you need. Doing this you can save the cholesterol from oxidizing and making it extremely lower in  fat and calories, as well helping stimulate different function of your brain. Eggs prepared correctly have also shown to contain antioxidants that help protect your eyes and memory, so try avoiding fried eggs, but if you can't resist then try lowering the temperature a little as well as using real butter and try avoiding the spread easy or most oil when frying an egg. Keep up that healthy vessel.

Sources and information..

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